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April 13th, 2010

Quite recently I have been thinking about changing the company that hosts my blog. I am a little bit disappointed with its recent performance and I am wondering if they are going to fix the fact that sometimes for the past few days my blog was inaccessible. Anyway, I know that there are many web site hosting services that I could consider as there is a big choice. There are many hosting services that offer various interesting features to its customers. The most popular programs usually do not cost a lot and will suit most of the regular webmasters as well as bloggers. However, these days FTP hosting for small businesses is becoming more and more popular. Those who depend on transferring files will need a reliable FTP hosting service on which they can rely on. Whenever looking for a hosting provider it is a good idea to check if there is guaranteed uptime and good customer support. It is important to find a plan that is suitable for your needs and that is the most important thing to take into account.

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