Bluetooth Devices
Bluetooth technology has been around for some time, and there have been some interesting devices released that take advantage out of this technology. For example, integrating Bluetooth with PCs and Pocket PCs allows for convenient wireless synchronization and data transfer. This makes both Pocket PCs and desktop PCs more useful. It is also important to realize that Pocket PCs equipped with Bluetooth can work along a GPS device and help drivers all around the world. There are also many accessories for computers such as wireless mouses and keyboards with a range of up to 30 feet. This is a longer range compared to RF devices that have a range up to six feet. This long range makes it possible to sit far away from your computer and still be able to use a keyboard or mouse. Printers that have a Bluetooth adapter are compatible with PCs, Pocket PCs, and mobile phones. This means that there is no need for any wires or special configurations. This is one of the reasons Bluetooth became so popular. I think that it is safe to say that in the future most devices will be wireless. Perhaps Bluetooth technology will even gain more on popularity as people will no longer want to buy devices that require connecting many cables.