It is true that many people spend plenty of time behind the desk. It is also true that some of them spend there more time than they should. This post will not be about health. If you have been looking for contemporary desk accessory ideas, you came to the right place. The workspace of each person should express his personality. Many people pay a lot of attention to detail when they decorate their homes. If they spend so much time decorating their kitchen and bathrooms, shouldn’t they also spend some time decorating their desks and offices? I think that you know what the answer to this question is. Of course every person should make sure that his workspace reflects his personality. If you are tired of having nothing more than a mouse pad and keyboard on your desk, you are on the right track. While you might think that finding accessories to express yourself might be challenging, it does not have to be like that if you know where and how to look for them. There are many of them available to you.