Destinations Worth Visiting
If you have travelled across the United States, you know that some destinations are worth visiting. I have been thinking recently what my top travel destinations in the USA would be. I came up with the list of the following regions:
-Miami Florida. Many people decide to spend there sunny summers but also mild winters. For those who like to avoid cold temperatures, this is a perfect destination.
–Greenville South Carolina. South Carolina is home to people such as Stephen Colbert. If you have ever watched his show, you probably noticed his references to the state of South Carolina.
-Las Vegas Nevada. People come here not only to gamble, but also to shop or to stay in a luxurious hotel. Chances of meeting celebrities are high in this part of the country.
-Los Angeles California. This city does not need advertising. It has it all. If you have ever wanted to meet celebrities, then this is the right place to go.