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How to deal/live with dialysis

September 18th, 2020

Any chronic illness, including diseases of the kidney, can have emotional impact, not only on the patient but also on their family members. They have to make great changes to their lifestyle for a more comfortable living. Dialysis and other renal treatments can take a toll on mental health, and can affect activities of daily living—dialysis is life-saving, but it is also life changing. However, there are certain steps that can help you deal with these changes. Read on to know how to deal and live with dialysis:

It is normal to have fears in the beginning

Almost all patients have qualms and fears before beginning their dialysis treatment. They are concerned about how painful the treatment is, and how long it is expected to last. For these fears, you can talk to the top Kidney specialist in Karachi, and have them answer your questions and concerns about the treatment.

Some patients also feel better once they have visited their dialysis facility and seen the whole process themselves; it helps to take some fear of the unknown away.  It is also helpful to talk to someone who is undergoing the treatment and has gone through the same experience. You can also reach out to the staff at the dialysis center for reassurance and more information about the procedure.

How can patients improve their treatment?

The role of the patient during this time is to strictly follow their medication regimen, and adhere to the recommendation of the healthcare provider. Following the diet and restricting the fluid intake are very important for someone on dialysis, and failure to adhere to these instructions can have serious consequences, like bone disease, stroke, and heart attacks. Medication reminder apps or pill boxes can help to remember which medication to take, and in which order. This will prevent any missed dose due to forgetfulness etc.

A dietitian who deals specifically with kidney disease can help make a diet plan that incorporates food restrictions with essential nutrients.

Go back to activities of daily living

Someone with chronic kidney disease should be encouraged to go back to work, and return to their normal routine. Be sure to take the clearance of your healthcare provider before going back to work. People who return to work, have a more normal lifestyle feel much more satisfied, and have fewer emotional upheaval, in comparison to people who do not venture out.

Travel if you want

You don’t have to restrict your travel plans if you are on dialysis. Focus on planning your schedule ahead of time, so you don’t have to face a problem during travel. Be sure to get clearance from your healthcare provider.

Exercise techniques

Try deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques like yoga to help deal with the stress. Exercise helps to boost the mood and lower the stress level. Gentler exercises like yoga are also helpful. Consult the top nephrologist in Karachi to ask which exercises are good for you, and can be done safely with your treatment. Alternatively, you can also take therapy sessions from









































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