IT Consumerization
I am almost sure that you have heard about something called IT consumerization. In order to understand the concept of IT consumerization better, I went to the Internet to read more about the topic. It was a time well spent as I managed to broaden my horizons by reading something more about the topic. I am glad to have done so as right now I know what IT consumerization is all about. IT consumerization is a term that appeared for the first time in 2001. Since back then, many people have referred to it either as IT consumerization or consumerization of technology. the term is widely used to describe the growing popularity of various devices first among consumers, and then among businesses. As we all know, more and more ordinary people choose to use various devices such as mobile phones or computers at home. Since I already started writing about consumerization of technology, I cannot avoid the topic of Internet security. Viruses such as various types of spyware or malware can infect any computer when its owner expects it the least. However, hackers who want to infect a PC with spyware tend to use the same tricks to try to bypass computers security measures. Here are just some of the examples of how they do it, and how you can protect yourself from spyware. My first tip is to pay attention to suspicious emails. If you get an email that looks like spam do not click on any link that was in the email you received. My second tip would be to watch out for freeware and shareware programs. It is great to get something for free rather than have to buy it; however, very often you might be downloading a file that contains spyware without even knowing about it. These are only some things to keep in mind.