Know What You Are Reading
Almost everybody who watches Jon Stewart from the Daily Show knows that you cannot believe everything he is saying, because his program is a so-called fake news show. However, things are different on the Internet. With so many new websites being created, you might not realize that what you are reading is not true. There are many hoax websites on the Internet with the goal of misleading their readers. Some of them are more misleading than others. Let us look, for example, at MoonBeam Enterprise, which advertises as an ultimate place to buy your property on the Moon. Probably, you would not fall for it, but you will be surprised to find out how many people actually fell for this hoax. My advice is, whatever you read or watch on the Net, be prepared for misleading websites and scammers.
It is so easy to get scammed these days. For example, you might have received a scam email like this: �Congratulations! You are the 1,000,000th 1-800-Mail visitor! YOU WON $400! Recently, we have reached 120,000 members. 1-800-Mail has over 4,000,000 visits monthly, so we decided to give cash prizes every 1,000,000th visitor every month. This month, you are the one of 4 winners who will get $400 from 1-800-Mail!�
When you click on the link, you will be redirected to a website which looks like 1-800-Mail, but apparently has a different domain address. After I visited the site, you might be asked for your PayPal email address to �claim the reward�. You have to realize that the email could be used to spam you in the future, and that they� would not pay you anything. Watch out for such type of scams, because some are more dangerous than others. You can benefit a lot from using the Internet, but you should also be aware of potential dangers.