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New Office

January 28th, 2010

If you have ever tried to do something in your life that you liked, you might miss it when you cannot do it anymore. For example, if you enjoyed working with Microsoft Office 2003 in the past, you might miss it when the new version of the program is installed on your computer. It is true that the new 2007 version of Microsoft Office offers many improved features, but the 2003 version might have been more intuitive for many of us. Today, I would like to write a few sentences about the Classic Menu and Toolbar for Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007. This tool is great for all those Microsoft Office users who are accustomed to using Office 2003 and who would like to continue working with this program in the future. Probably the best thing about the tool is that you can get the best of both versions of Office. You are not going to miss any of the important features if you want to keep working with Office 2007 but with modified menus and toolbars. This is because The Office 2007 ribbon tabs are always kept intact. If you hesitated whether to switch from Office 2003 to 2007, now you have your answer.

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