AdSense: Filtering Ads
More and more webmasters decide to implement ads on their websites. Those who make some money integrating Google AdSense on their sites have the possibility to chose the ads that they want to display. I think that every webmaster might benefit from this feature as it gives a lot power over the ads. As a result, it will help us avoid unwanted links on our sites that would otherwise appear. This especially applies to controversial bloggers and publishers that would rather not advertise contrary views. This might also apply to religious sites that do not wish to promote contrary beliefs. It would look silly if a Christian website would have many ads promoting Islamic websites. In order to give even more control over the ads appearing on our pages, Google released the Ad Review Center. It allows us to review ads placement-targeted to our websites, and this way ensures that those ads are relevant to our site.
One of the best things about filtering ads is that you can have the possibility to block ads that you might consider offensive. Many webmasters are already taking advantage out of this feature and I think that is a great thing.