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Blog Directories

April 13th, 2010

There are a lot of blog directories worth submitting your blog to. Many of them are still accepting new websites, while some of them no longer exist. To save you some time, today I am going to present various directories and toplists that have worked and have accepted new members during the last few months. Here they are:


Usually, the difference between directories and toplists is that to get most out of a particular toplist you are required to put its widget on your site. Fortunately, they do not take a lot of space. Once you put a widget on your site, every time a person visits your blog a particular toplist is going to register it. As a result of this, you are going to climb higher and higher in its rankings. When it comes to directories, you do not need to place any widgets. By simply submitting your site to them you will get a linkback and possibly a lot of unique visitors to your blog.

If some of the directories or toplists mentioned above do not work anymore please let me know by leaving a comment.

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