
Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Why Do People Blog

September 18th, 2015 Comments off

Have you ever wondered why people blog and why does it give them satisfaction? Analyzing what are the reasons for blogging might be very interesting. In general, most people blog for some of the following reasons:
1. Since blogging is all about writing, creating and posting images and pictures, many people treat it as a way to express themselves in one way or another. Being able to express one�s feelings and emotions is one of the basic needs of humanity, so this might be one of the main reasons why people blog.
2. People want to be known and recognized. A lot of satisfaction can come from being someone important. Of course, it may not be that easy to accomplish, but it is worth trying.
3. People look for social interactions whenever it is possible. Blogging is in fact a very social experience and thus appeals to those who seek others with common hobbies, or just somebody who will read their posts and comment on them. Blogging generally encourages networking.
4. For some people blogging is not just a hobby, but also work. It was proven many times that blogging brings money, and in case of some bloggers it can constitute a substantial part of income.
5. Also many people want to share their experiences and knowledge with others. If you have anything important to share, it is very easy to do so by setting up a blog. In most cases it will not even cost you anything.
Did you ever take some time to think why you started blogging? Knowing why you started blogging may help you be a better blogger.

Categories: Blog Tags:

Find Things to Blog About

September 17th, 2015 Comments off

When it comes to blogging, bloggers want to have the most interesting articles and information posted on their site. While there is a lot of cooperation between bloggers, you can sometimes feel the tension, especially when a blogger feels that some harm was done to him. This is often provoked by copying and pasting articles from other blogs and posting it on your own. Writing an article is not an easy task, as it requires time, focusing on your task, and original ideas among other things. Nobody wants to have his articles posted all over the Web without permission, and this also includes technology blogs. That is why I encourage bloggers to write their own articles of which they can be proud. Not everyone knows that Technorati has an interesting feature on their website called Topics. Topics is a way to navigate the conversations on the Web, based on the categories you select. You can visit one Technorati Topics page and see live streams of the newest blog posts about the topic you want. Topics pages are being updated very often, so they are different every time you visit, and the posts you see scrolling down the page, will keep you informed about what is going on right now. I think it is an interesting feature, and many bloggers are using it quite regularly to research any topic they are interested in.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Increase Blogging Productivity

July 10th, 2015 Comments off

Working on your blog is not always easy, so it is important to work on it in an efficient way. This will ensure that it will take you less time to write an article, and that the quality of the article will be higher. There are a couple of things that you can do to improve blog productivity:

� Have a list of URLs that you can visit for ideas of topics to write about. Every writer needs some inspiration. Who knows, you might get inspired and write your best article after finding some interesting topic to write about.
� Research the topic you are interested in more carefully. You may want to search for related posts about it on other blogs. Write only about topics you have knowledge about. Posts that contain a lot of useful information and reflect the knowledge of the writer are going to become popular.
� Use the best browsers. For example, your browser should allow tabbing. No doubt that Firefox and Opera are currently one the best browsers, but even IE has some useful features, although probably not as many.
� Store ideas for articles that you will want to write about in the future. There is nothing worse than running out of ideas.
Remember, whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it as your readers will be able to feel your enthusiasm or lack thereof.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Participating in Contests

August 9th, 2014 Comments off

Do you sometimes wonder whether participating in contests is a good idea or just a waste of time? So far I have participated in quite a few contests. Different contests have different entry requirements. I am not going to write about those contests that require entrants to pay a certain amount of money, because I do not think participants should be charged for such things.
The contests I am usually participating in do not have high requirements, although the exception was one contest where ten highest ranked posts written by ten different bloggers were winning an award. All of the winners of that particular contest put a lot of work into writing their posts.

Generally, I am more interested to participate in contests that will give me something valuable for my blog, like a link back, or directed traffic. I especially like if the organizer promises to link back to each participant just for entering the event.

I am almost always avoiding contests that have high entry requirements, and want me to do at least a few things like leave a comment, subscribe to RSS feed, write a post, and so on. Additionally, if there are many participants, and there will be only one winner, then do not get your hopes up too high.

To sum up, I would like to say that the right contests can be really great. Simply participate in contests you are interested in, and make sure you have a chance to win.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Blog Awards

April 1st, 2014 Comments off

Some time ago, I heard of a website that allows sending medals to people. I wonder if you will find it as interesting as I did. There are many medals to choose from, some more hilarious like �Irritable Panda Bear�, �Mid-Air High Five�, or �Icy Cold Beer�. There are also some more serious like �Educational Blogger Award� and �Interesting Blog Award�. There are also some rude ones like a �Dead Cockroach Award�, which I guess are good for a prank, or you could also sent it to somebody who you do not like. Visit this site, and I am sure you will find some hilarious awards, although before you send a �Dead Cockroach Award� to anyone make sure that it is really what you want to do, and make sure that the person you are sending it has a sense of humor.

You can find the medals at All you have to do is choose an award, input the recipients name, email, URL, and provide your own name, email, and optionally URL, if you are a webmaster. What I like about this site is that it is directed towards bloggers, so if you are a blogger yourself, I am sure you will appreciate it. There are not many sites like this on the Internet.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Blending Ads

February 22nd, 2014 Comments off

Maintaining a blog often requires quite a lot of money. That is because a blogger has to pay for domain name registration, hosting, and marketing to name a few. That is why many bloggers decide to monetize their site. One of the simplest forms of monetization is incorporating ads. One of the more popular ads you can incorporate are targeted AdSense ads. Many sites choose to blend the ads with the text of their posts in order to maximize click-through rate. Such a strategy might be a good idea if you want to make a lot of money, but there are also other considerations. If the ads are not attractive to readers then there are some dangers involved as well. First of all, your readers might be getting annoyed by the ads. If that is the case, then he might not be willing to visit your site often. Additionally, some visitors might not like if ads are blended very well, because such ads might fool them into thinking that they are part of your regular content. I think that blending ads might often be a good idea, but you should make sure that such ads are not going to be an inconvenience for your visitors. Overall, you should take into consideration a few things:

-Make sure your website does not contain too many distracting ads, as your visitors might not like it.
-You need to realize that those visitors who click on ads are going to leave your website. That will happen unless the webpage is going to open in a new tab. There is a risk that such visitors might forget about your website and never visit it again.
-Ads should be on the same topic as your blog. There is no excuse for having ads that have nothing to do with the content of your website.

Categories: Biz, Blog Tags:

Is The Quality of Content Subjective?

February 14th, 2014 Comments off

I agree that there are some general guidelines when it comes to determining the quality of content. Articles that contain useful information are definitely an example of high quality content.
However, this time I would like to share some of my thoughts about the subjective nature of the quality of content. It might have been stated before by many other bloggers, but I think that it is important to emphasize that quality is subjective. What that means is that there are many different types of bloggers and many types of readers. Reader preferences will vary when it comes to length of posts, topic of posts, and style of writing. This depends on different aspects such as education, sense of humor, general knowledge, writing style, gender, and age. High quality content simply means content that other people appreciate. However, since there are different definitions of high quality content, we cannot simply compare two blogs and decide which one is of higher quality. I would say that the only exception is if you would like to compare two blogs which try to attract the same type of readers. On the other hand, it would be hard to compare two blogs that have a completely different topics and reader base.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Video Streaming

January 26th, 2014 Comments off

There are millions of blogs out there. While bloggers communicate with their readers with written language, I am wondering how attractive it would be for readers to view videos of bloggers speaking on various subjects. Qik Video Streaming allows streaming videos from mobile phones, and such content could appear on blogs or related sites like Facebook. I am pretty sure that video streaming blogs will not replace traditional blogs. On the other hand, I am also pretty sure that some bloggers will want to integrate video streaming to some degree. Qik Video Streaming has a latency of around 1-2 seconds, so it is pretty efficient. Time will tell how popular it will become. While it may not become very popular within a year or two, I think that video streaming will gain on popularity when fast broadband connections will be even more accessible. Many Internet users have download limits set by their Internet service providers so they cannot download as much data as they would like. However, this is also likely to change and this is one of the reasons why video streaming might gain on popularity in the future. Of course, it does not mean that regular blogs will disappear.

Categories: Blog, Tech, Web Tags:

Images and WordPress

January 18th, 2014 Comments off

If you are a blogger having a WordPress blog, you may want to insert a picture in your post from time to time. You might want to do that in order to make your blog more attractive to visitors. It might happen that some of your friends will send you an image that they will ask you to post on your blog. However, sometimes you might be surprised that the image is so big that it does not fit very well in your post. You should remember that you can always resize an image. To do so, go to your draft and left click on this picture once. You will see that it is surrounded by black frame with a few black dots. Move your cursor on one of those dots and wait until your cursor changes into double headed arrow. If it does, then hold left mouse button and drag it in order to make it smaller. Integrating images is a great idea, but try to remember not to make them too big. Another important thing that you should remember is to make sure your blog loads within a few seconds. In other words, do not upload too many images, or those visitors that use dial-up will have a hard time browsing your site. Images can make your blog look better, but you also have to take into account the loading time of your blog. There are some websites on the Internet that can help you measure that.

Categories: Blog, Tech Tags:

Blogs Limited to One Topic?

December 19th, 2013 Comments off

What are the best topics to blog about? There are thousands possible topics that a blog can have, and it is going to be up to you to choose the one you are the most interested in. You may get an idea to blog about search engine optimization, or maybe you also got a few other ideas not directly related to this particular subject. There is a chance that there are a few other things you are fascinated about that you would like to write about. Are you worried about starting a blog that would cover more than one topic? I think that there is nothing wrong about blogging about two or three different topics on your blog. After all, there have to be people who also share your interests. While staying focused on the topic of a blog is a very important factor in retaining visitors, writing about a few topics might even attract more readers that will come to a blog in order to read about a variety of topics. Of course, there has to be moderation in everything, so it may not be a good idea to blog about a dozen unrelated subjects. That is because there may not be that many visitors that have interest in all of the topics you would discuss. On the other hand, if you are going to discuss two or three topics, then your blog will be very attractive to all of those people that have an interest in those topics.

Categories: Blog, Tech, Web Tags: