
Archive for the ‘Biz’ Category

Giving Advice

May 27th, 2010 Comments off

Are you considered by your friends as a person who gives good advice? Now it is possible to make money from it. There are sites like Daytipper dot com which pay $3 for each original tip you submit. Three dollars might not be a lot, but if you have many tips you can offer, then who knows, maybe you will become the top contributor. As I stated the tips should be original, submitting tips that were already submitted, or which the staff does not like will result in you not getting paid. This is the part that I do not like, because it seems unfair you would sacrifice your own time writing something, and in the end not getting paid. The problem is that the webmaster has to judge which tip is original or not. The reason I do not like it is because the webmaster might be sometimes biased. Having said that, I still think it might be a good idea to check out the site, especially if you are going to take the time to read some other tips, in order to decide whether a particular tip you wish to submit will be original enough. Of course, apart from earning some extra cash, such websites are also a great place for some social interactions. I imagine that there are many useful tips posted from which you could benefit. Since such sites are usually free, I am tempted myself to start reading the tips posted there.

Categories: Biz, Tech, Web Tags:

Always Look for New Opportunities

May 25th, 2010 Comments off

Many people these days try to make money online. However, apart from knowing about specific ways to make money, a person should also have a good financial strategy. What am I trying to say? I am just saying that there are some things you should keep in mind while making money, or looking for ways to make money.

You should always look for new opportunities. The Internet is changing really fast, and the supply and demand is also changing incredibly fast. This means that some ways of making money are no longer profitable. On the other hand, there are also new ways to make money. You need to carefully observe whether there are any new opportunities out there. One way to stay informed is to visit blogs that deal with money making topics. That is because they often discuss new opportunities. On the other hand, forums are also a great place to gain some knowledge about various programs.

Before I finish, I want to say that you should also watch out for scams, as being cautious can save you a lot of time and money. Fortunately, once you know how to recognize scams you will be relatively safe, and at the same time you will have a chance to make some money. You should be especially careful of programs that might promise you money, but first ask you to make a deposit. In most cases you will never get your money back.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:

Business Cards

May 14th, 2010 Comments off

Being a business executive gives you an opportunity to have a good reputation in your business circles, build relationships, and be able to present yourself in a positive light. You will become more popular and have more contacts if you are going to have professionally looking business cards that you will be able to share with anybody with whom you would like to continue a business relationship in the future. Well-designed professional business cards are vital to the success of your business. You will find thousands of designs of custom business cards. Even if you do not feel like designing a business card yourself, you can always try to use some ready cards to create your own one. Business cards can be quite simple. All you need to do is to include some personal information about yourself as well as the name of your company, its address, and contact info. By displaying your phone number or email address you will increase the chances of becoming a successful businessman.

Categories: Biz, Main Category Tags:

Having Many Referrals

May 6th, 2010 Comments off

The more you try to earn money through various online opportunities, the more you will realize how important it is to have many referrals. There are many advantages of having referrals, and one of them is that you will not even need to do any work and will still earn money. Of course, one of the most important things when it comes to referrals is the ability to acquire them. There is no secret how to achieve it, and it simply requires a lot of work. However, it might be easier for those who know many people. Participating in various online social activities might help you in that. You may also want to try to market some services to people you know in work or even to your family members. Just make sure that whatever program you are encouraging them to join is actually beneficial. If you want to sell them a product, then make sure it is something useful that you would appreciate yourself. You should also take into account that if you are going to try to acquire many referrals online, then some people might treat you like a spammer. Do not send emails to people encouraging them to become your referrals unless you really know them quite well.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:

Making Some Extra Cash

April 19th, 2010 Comments off

I know that many Internet users are interested in making some extra cash. That is why I am going to discuss a company that might allow you to earn some money. TreasureTrooper is an interesting website that will pay you for completing offers and filling out daily surveys. You get paid for each offer from $0.25 to $40, and there are hundreds of offers. There are quite a few people that earned at least $100 the first month. For the most part, it is very easy to complete the offers, and that is why I claim that this is an excellent opportunity for many people. An example of an offer would be to sign up for a free 30 day trial of Efax, and get paid $7.50, or sign up for a free credit report, and get paid $9.00. There are also opportunities upon which completion you will get paid even more, but some of them might require an investment. If you run out of the top paying offers, there are many that will pay you $0.25-$1 for completion. On top of that, you can complete a daily survey for ~1$. You can also get involved in cash back shopping, where TreasureTrooper will return some portion of money you spend at selected online shops. You will also be earning gold coins that can be used to purchase �goodies� at Mabutu’s Trading Hut, but if you do not want to, you can just earn dollars.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:


April 13th, 2010 Comments off

Quite recently I have been thinking about changing the company that hosts my blog. I am a little bit disappointed with its recent performance and I am wondering if they are going to fix the fact that sometimes for the past few days my blog was inaccessible. Anyway, I know that there are many web site hosting services that I could consider as there is a big choice. There are many hosting services that offer various interesting features to its customers. The most popular programs usually do not cost a lot and will suit most of the regular webmasters as well as bloggers. However, these days FTP hosting for small businesses is becoming more and more popular. Those who depend on transferring files will need a reliable FTP hosting service on which they can rely on. Whenever looking for a hosting provider it is a good idea to check if there is guaranteed uptime and good customer support. It is important to find a plan that is suitable for your needs and that is the most important thing to take into account.

Categories: Biz, Main Category Tags:

Display Cabinets

April 13th, 2010 Comments off

Every store, whether it is a jewelry store or glass store needs some display cabinet. Display cabinets make the job of every seller a lot easier. Display cabinets are not only designed to make the job of sellers easier. They are also designed to be functional so that items can sell well. Another benefit of having display cabinets is the possibility to present the items in the positive light. If you have a suitable display cabinet, you are likely to attract customers by showing them what you have to offer. Display cabinets come in many different forms, shapes, and sizes. Whatever you might be selling, I am sure that you are going to find suitable display cabinets that will make selling a lot easier. Jewelry always requires some elegant display cabinets. I cannot think of a jewelry store without a display cabinet or multiple display cabinets. Display cabinets are designed to show an item in a positive light. Some display cabinets even allow for some light to illuminate the items on display. If you own a jewelry store, a proper display cabinet is a must. You will not go very far without having one of these.

Categories: Biz, Main Category Tags:

Blocked From Spidering

April 13th, 2010 Comments off

It seems that some websites are blocking search engines from spidering some parts of their sites. This includes website like Craiglist and

Last year, for example, many SEO websites were reporting that Yahoo has blocked other search engines from accessing certain links on What did it mean to an average Internet user? I do not think it really had such an impact, although it might have been a problem for webmasters who were receiving many backlinks from in hopes to improve their site rankings. Those of us who had many incoming links from might have noticed less links being indexed by Google. Since PageRank is determined by the number and quality of links, having less links might have even resulted in Page Rank dropping on some of the websites.

This situation only proved that our marketing and promotion strategy should be diversified. It should include many different websites from which we hope to receive links from. If you advertise using many different methods, then you reduce the chance of anything going wrong. After all, there is very small probability that all of your marketing methods will stop working at the same time.

Categories: Biz, Blog, Tech, Web Tags:

Drop Shippers

April 9th, 2010 Comments off

Did anyone of you try selling anything online? If so, you might have come across drop shippers. They are relatively new in the market, and there are various opinions about them that can be found on different forums. Some people think that those are legitimate businesses, while others claim that they got scammed by them. Personally, I have been also looking for some reliable reviews comparing various drop shippers. I hoped they would accurately rate the effectiveness of them. One of the first reviews that I read rated a drop shipper as being the best in the industry. It was a few minutes later that I discovered that the review was written by a company affiliated with the same drop shipper. My conclusion is that one should be very careful when reading any reviews about this kind of companies as they might be one-sided. What I found to be very helpful in finding reliable drop shippers was to visit independent forums where people share their own experiences with carious companies. They are not forced to say anything about any particular subject, so that is why their opinions might be quite valuable. Visit various blogs and forums to obtain as much information as possible.

Drop shipping may be a good way to earn some extra cash, but you need tor realize its drawbacks. First of all, if the drop shipping company will make any mistake, then the buyer might blame you for it. So the problem is that you will need to rely on your drop shipper to be professional.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:

Age of Conan

April 9th, 2010 Comments off

Age of Conan is a computer game that offers multiplayer gameplay with people all over the world. The game was released in 2008 so the game is still quite new, as it was not released that long ago. The question what I want to ask is whether the game is such a massive hit, as the fans expected it to be. Those who are familiar with the Massive Multiplayer Online Game universe know that there has not been a lot of innovation recently in online games. One of the main reasons for lack of innovations was World of Warcraft which achieved a financial success, sold millions of copies, and unfortunately, influenced the market to make clones of WoW. I do not find Age of Conan very innovative either, but I have to give it credit for gaining PvP levels, high quality graphics, adult universe, guild cities and siege fights. Those are the qualities which make this game unique, and in these regards it is different than World of Warcraft. It is a quite successful game, but it did not achieve a financial success as some thought it would. As a matter of fact, the CEO of the company sold most of his shares of stock, which proves that he was worried about the financial situation. Later on, the Producer and Game Director Gaute Godager resigned from his post.

Categories: Biz, Tech Tags: