Organizing Community Exchanges
There are various community exchanges that are getting organized all the time. Did you ever consider organizing a community exchange? Let us say that you want to organize a MyBlogLog community exchange. If you are interested in gaining a lot of traffic and increasing the number of readers you have, this can be a very good opportunity for you.
You should start by listing a dozen or so websites along with the link to their MyBlogLog community page, and notifying them about it. You should also inform them about the rules of participating in the exchange. Let them know that they should join all of the MyBlogLog communities on the list. They should also copy the list and create a new post on their blog. They should include the list in their post, and write a brief paragraph that explains the rules of the community exchange. They can add two or three more MyBlogLog communities to the list, and then publish the post on their blog. They should also indicate that if anyone wants to be added to this list, they should leave a comment requesting it.
Not only such exchange bring new readers to your website, but also increase your backlinks and can be a lot of fun.