Practicing Writing Skills
In this post I want to discuss practicing writing skills. I am not talking about just any writing techniques, but about the ability to sell your content. Let us imagine that you are listening to an audio advertisement. In this audio advertisement the announcer usually only has a short time to present the message that is supposed to attract customers to the product he is referring to. When it comes to our blogs we do not have any time limit to put our message across, as we can write as much as we want. However, it is generally better to keep our posts concise so that our readers will benefit the most without spending too much time reading a very long message. I suggest practicing writing short posts that are supposed to present some value to the reader. You may later read them yourself in order to examine if the message is really as valuable as you hoped it to be. A successful blogger needs to write in a way that is interesting to his readers, so that is why practice is essential. Another important aspect is the ability to understand your reader base. What are the interests on your visitors? What makes them excited? Those are the questions you should know the answers to.