Technorati Favorites and Link Exchanges
Have you been recently focusing on attracting more readers to your blog? Were you looking for bloggers who would interested in link exchanges? Perhaps what is the most effective way of achieving your goal is to subscribe to Technorati. Once you are a Technorati member you can participate in various link exchanges, or even organize your own. Usually, anyone having a Technorati account that has a blog that is not loaded with spam or copyrighted material can participate in such programs. Let me give you an example of how such a link exchange can work. Basically, there are two ways a person can participate:
1.Through Technorati favorite exchange. In such a case you would simply need to favorite other participants by clicking on their link. Next, you should post a comment with a link that would allow others to favorite you. The organizers of such contests usually promise that they will favorite participants as soon as possible. If for some reason they would forget, simply remind them by posting a comment on their blog.
2. Another way to participate is to follow some additional steps. Those steps include publishing a post on your blog with a link to the post of the contest organizer, as well as links to other participants. In your post you should explain the rules of the link exchange. Other bloggers will in exchange link to your own post. The best part about it is that everyone involved will benefit in some way.
There are many bloggers who participate in such programs. If you would like to exchange links with them simply visit their websites. You can find their websites by doing a search for link exchanges on Google. I would also like to encourage you to organize such link exchanges on your own.