
Archive for July, 2010

Are Sequels Inferior?

July 5th, 2010 Comments off

When it comes to movies, sequels are often regarded as inferior, because they may lack what made the original movie so great. This often happens, because the producer wants to take advantage out of the success of the first title. He wants to earn more money, even if he knows that the sequel will never be as good as the first movie. When it comes to computer and video games, I believe that the opposite is true. Games are constantly evolving, and games 20 years ago take 1000 times less space on a hard drive compared to modern games. While it is not always true that the size of the game indicates whether a game is good, my point is that this shows how fast games are changing. Most gamers agree that they are getting more and more fun to play. So what I am trying to say is that you do not have to worry whether the sequel to your favorite game will be better. That is because statistically speaking it is going to be a higher quality product. It will be interesting to see how games will look like in ten or twenty years. How do you think they will change?

Categories: Tech Tags:

Alcohol and Breathalysers

July 5th, 2010 Comments off

We all hear a lot about drunk driving and the effect alcohol has on the lives of many people. The truth is that each year, thousands of people die as a result of drunk driving. It is no wonder that Alcohol Breathalysers are used by law enforcers more and more often. There are some myths surrounding Alcohol Breathalysers Products. One of the common myths is that all sorts of breath testers can be “fooled”. By “fooling” I mean using certain substances such as onion, mouthwash, or breath mints. Unfortunately for those who opt for drunk driving, these methods do not work. On the contrary, you should be careful what type of mouthwash you use before driving, because its content can even raise test results. If you have a Personal Breathalyser, make sure that you check your alcohol content each time you choose to drive. You will save yourself and others a lot of trouble if you choose to be a responsible driver. Alcohol breathalysers can be used not only by police officers. They can also be useful to drivers who want to make sure that the alcohol content in their blood is low enough to ensure safe driving.

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General SEO Advice

July 2nd, 2010 Comments off

From time to time, I like visiting a particular blog that I could describe as very successful. This blog mainly discusses the topic of blogging. What I found interesting is that in one of his articles he listed all of the things he has never done to promote his blog. These included no feedcount, no guest blogging, no guest posts on blog, no contests, no paid advertising, no incentives (this means no eBooks, free reviews, or gifts of any sort), no Digg frontpages, and no frequent posting. This was a very surprising information as it shows that he did not use many different methods to promote his blog, yet he has a lot of visitors. I still wonder however how he achieved such a success. It seems that there is no consensus on how to achieve a large number of visitors. However, there are some things you can work on to increase the number of visitors. I believe that organizing and maintaining a blog is not an easy task, and that is why I want to give you some SEO advice:

-Optimize your blog properly. Your blog should be optimized first for users, then for search engines, and later possibly for monetizing it. My advice is that you look for a template that will have a white background.
-Change your permalinks so that they look as follows: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/. This will make your permalinks more search engine friendly, and visitors searching for particular keywords will be directed to your post.
-Manage RSS feeds. RSS is a very good way to help your content read the data from your blog. I personally am quite familiar with; however, if you want you can also try and To let the search engines know that you posted a message on your blog, use such free services like and

Categories: Blog, Health, Personal, Web Tags:


July 2nd, 2010 Comments off

Summertime might be the best time to do something for health. When summer I comes, I know that this is finally the time when I can do something for my health. I know that this is the time when I can relax and feel better about myself. Taking care of one’s body is not only about nutrition or exercise. It is also all about Phoenix botox cosmetic surgery that a person can have. I can think of many good things that a cosmetic surgery can bring. I am sure that I do not have to tell you what they are. You probably have somebody in your family who had a cosmetic surgery. The truth is that more and more people decide to have a cosmetic surgery as for more and more people cosmetic surgeries become more affordable.

Categories: Health, Main Category Tags:


July 1st, 2010 Comments off

Is your bed comfortable or do you wake up each morning feeling pain in your back? I cannot stress enough the importance of comfortable bedding. Ever since I started sleeping in a lot more comfortable bed, I also started feeling better. I have heard of many places offering bedding such as Nobody Beats Mitch. What have you heard about them? Are their beds comfortable? I am always eager to read something about beds as I would do anything to make my bed as comfy as possible. The more comfortable my bed is going to be, the more I am going to like it and the better I am going to feel in it.

Categories: Main Category Tags:

Link Building

July 1st, 2010 Comments off

Every webmaster knows the importance of link building. Without at least a few links linking to the website, it is doomed to fail. The reason links from other websites are so important is that they can affect the website’s pager rank, traffic, as well as many other statistics. I have always thought that link building services are services that can help webmasters make their websites more popular. Even if I try to make my website popular on my own, I know that I can additionally ask somebody else to help me make it even more popular. I also want to always make sure that links pointing to my blog are quality links that will not do more harm than good.

Categories: Main Category, Web Tags:

Samsung 3D HDTV Reviews

July 1st, 2010 Comments off

High-definition television has revolutionized the way TV works. In the past, people did not have access to the Samsung 3D HDTV sale. Today, the situation is completely different. People from all around the world can read some Samsung 3D HDTV Reviews and make up their mind how much they like the product. If you want to buy Samsung 3D HDTV, I recommend that you spend some time looking for the cheapest place to buy it. The difference in prices between stores can be huge. You risk losing some money if you choose to buy in a shop that offers higher prices.

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