Sometimes it is impossible to access some websites, because there is restricted access to them. The tips I am about to present to you will be especially helpful to you if you want to access some of the pages from your workplace and the administrator banned them or restricted access to them. Another possible situation that comes to my mind is that maybe the government of your country banned some of the sites so that its citizens do not have access to certain �politically incorrect� sites. Such situations occur in China and in some other Asian countries. There are at least two methods to access your desired websites:
1. Search the banned website through Google or other search engine. After finding it, enter its cache copy. This is a very popular method and it is very easy to do. However, this may not work for websites or pages that were never cached. That should not be the case with popular websites. Most websites have many of their pages cached so you should not have problems accessing pages this way.
2. In Google or any other search engine type this keyword: ‘cache:URL name’. This will take you straight to the cache copy of that website. This method is very similar to the previous one. You should use this method only if you know exactly the URL you plan to visit. If you make even a small mistake while typing the URL, then Google is not going to list any results.
3. Try to connect using a proxy. This may not work for all websites, but it may trick many servers into thinking that you are from a different country. There are some free proxies out there that you may use and one of them is YourFreedom. It might help you access some websites that otherwise you would not be able to visit.
There are many ways to monetize your blog. One of them is to implement monetization widgets. What is a monetization widget, one might ask? It is simply a script that gets displayed on your site as a widget. There are a few companies that offer such kind of widgets. I am going to list two of them, namely WidgetBucks and ScratchBack.
What is attractive about them is that they are similar to other widgets in a sense that they are easy to implement. This is especially true if you have a blogging platform like WordPress that supports plugins. Some of them work like pay-per-click ads, text lick ads, or even like affiliate links. They all might work in a different way, yet all of them provide you with an opportunity to monetize your site.
It is important to remember that while monetizing a website is a good idea, you should always keep your visitors in mind. This means that whatever ads you place on your website should be non-intrusive. Visitors will keep coming to your blog is they appreciate the content being posted there and you have to be careul not to have too many ads or widgets.
Bluetooth technology has been around for some time, and there have been some interesting devices released that take advantage out of this technology. For example, integrating Bluetooth with PCs and Pocket PCs allows for convenient wireless synchronization and data transfer. This makes both Pocket PCs and desktop PCs more useful. It is also important to realize that Pocket PCs equipped with Bluetooth can work along a GPS device and help drivers all around the world. There are also many accessories for computers such as wireless mouses and keyboards with a range of up to 30 feet. This is a longer range compared to RF devices that have a range up to six feet. This long range makes it possible to sit far away from your computer and still be able to use a keyboard or mouse. Printers that have a Bluetooth adapter are compatible with PCs, Pocket PCs, and mobile phones. This means that there is no need for any wires or special configurations. This is one of the reasons Bluetooth became so popular. I think that it is safe to say that in the future most devices will be wireless. Perhaps Bluetooth technology will even gain more on popularity as people will no longer want to buy devices that require connecting many cables.
In the past I briefly wrote about AdSense. This time I would like to indicate for whom this might be a good opportunity, because I do not believe that everyone will reap the same benefits using this program:
-Only popular websites with a lot of traffic will really benefit. That is because the probability of a visitor clicking on an ad is small and is often 0.5-2%. You will need huge traffic to have a lot of clicks on your ads.
-Websites about FOREX, curing cancer, or other topics which involve a lot of money, will have a lot higher earnings per click compared to an average website. That is because ads are displayed based on the content of your website, and the earnings for each click might range from 1 cent to $3. The price depends on the category of an ad.
-Sites which already have a lot of ads displayed on their websites might discourage their readers from visiting their site by adding even more ads.
-Ads are served based on the website content. Websites about a very specific topic like, for example, computer monitors, will benefit far more from AdSense than websites which do not put emphasis on one topic like, for example, directory type websites. The reason for this is that visitors might actually appreciate ads which pertain to their interests.
-Webmasters that host their website on their own domain will reap greater profits, because they will be able to keep 100% of their income, unlike Blogger blogs, which will have to share their earnings with Blogger.