
Archive for the ‘Web’ Category

Avoiding Copyright Problems

September 18th, 2010 Comments off

If you are a blogger, then you might want to include an image in one of your posts from time to time. Maybe you even want to include an image in each of your posts. Of course, not everyone is a great photographer or artist, so creating images on your own might be out of the question. So what can you do about it? You can go on the Internet and search for some high quality and relevant pictures using search engines like Google. After all, there are millions of pictures uploaded on the Internet, so there is a very big choice.

Of course, I am aware of the fact that simply downloading a random image and publishing it on your blog might result in copyright infringements. I do not think you will be held responsible for doing so; however, I would like to recommend that you make sure the image is not copyrighted before using it. You can always ask the webmaster whether he would allow you to upload his image on your blog. If you ask nicely, chances are he will be happy to comply. I also know of some bloggers who slightly modify an image so that it is no longer identical to the one they downloaded. You can also use non-copyrighted images found of sites like Flickr. As a matter of fact, Flickr is a great place to find non-copyrighted images. There is a very wide choice so you should be able to find many high quality pictures for your website.

Embedding images in some of your posts can enhance the quality of your blog. Nonetheless, you should remember not to include too many images or the loading time for your page will drastically slow down. Check yourself if your blog loads fast, and if you notice that it is loading slowly, then consider removing a few images.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Positive Action Per Visitor

September 17th, 2010 Comments off

First of all, I would like to say that you should value the traffic you already receive. Let�s say that you have 30 visitors per day. Some bloggers might say that it is not a lot, but you don�t have to think this way. There are some businesses which do not have that many visitors in their store. So, if you want to compare to them, it isn�t bad at all. On the other hand, what I suggest is to focus on getting a positive action per visitor. What I mean is that whenever a visitor enters your website, you should have some expectations what you want them to do. Do you want them to read your best posts? If so, then list links to your best posts on the sidebar. What if you want them to click on your ads? If this is what you want to achieve, then implement them in a visible area of your site, and make sure that they are related to the topic of your website. Overall, it is important that you guide your visitors in the right direction in order to maximize your positive action per visitor ratio. This way even if you don’t have that many visitors to your site, you might still be successful.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Do You Enjoy Blogging?

September 15th, 2010 Comments off

Sometimes people wonder what to do in order to be one the best bloggers. There are many particular things you can do to become successful, but in my opinion you will not get very far if you do not really enjoy blogging. There are many bloggers who really enjoy writing and you can see it quite clearly if you visit their blog. However, there are also some who struggle to write posts, and decided to be blogging because their friends do it as well. Doing something because other people are doing it might not be a good enough reason to continue doing it. If you want to be the next blogging superstar, you need to really love what you are doing. There are countless things that you can work on in order to make your blog more appealing. However, if you do not enjoy blogging, then you might not have enough motivation to do so. Blog on the subject you love and make sure you enjoy it. Every person has some interests, so try blogging about the topics that you have interest in. If you are fascinated about the topics that you write, then it is also going to be interesting to read your articles. It might be a good idea to write down the list of things you have interest in. This might be a good exercise to try to figure out what you should be blogging about. Are you a blogger yourself? Do you enjoy blogging about the subject you write about? Those are some questions you might want to answer.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Linking To Your Older Articles

September 14th, 2010 Comments off

Blogs are a great platform for people who wish to express themselves. They are also a great way to pass down knowledge. However, there is a problem that some bloggers might have noticed. I am talking about the fact that often very valuable, but older posts, get buried. After a blogger blogs for many months, he probably wrote many good articles, and it would be a shame if nobody would read them anymore. One solution is to link to your older posts from your newer ones. You can link to older posts that might be considered an introduction to your newer posts, or you can link to your older posts that present the same topic in a different way. Either way you do it, it is important that your readers will benefit from it. Another way to make sure that your readers will keep visiting your older posts is to link to some of them from your homepage. You may choose a few posts that in your opinion are the most valuable, as this way there will be always new visitors reading them. Yet another way to direct traffic to older posts is to submit them to social bookmarking sites like Digg. If your post contains any useful information, then it is very probable that many users will digg your submission. As a result your post will receive a lot of traffic.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags:

Browser Wars

September 8th, 2010 Comments off

There are three major players when it comes to browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. Both Firefox and Opera have more features and are faster than Internet Explorer, which in the opinion of many users makes them better browsers. With Firefox and Opera gaining popularity, we should ask ourselves a question: how did it happen that Microsoft lost a big portion of the market to these browsers? I believe that the reason was that neither Firefox nor Opera looked like dangerous competition a few years ago. Microsoft was simply overconfident, and did not realize that other browsers could be a threat. I am happy that there is competition in the browser market, as competition ensures that ultimately consumers have access to higher quality products. However, at the moment Internet Explorer is still being used by two-thirds of computer users. Why does it still have such a big market share?

That is because Microsoft has been bundling its Internet Explorer browser with various Windows versions for many years, and as a result most people use Internet Explorer. Does it mean that IE is superior? Not at all. Actually, in various tests it does not perform as well as Firefox or Opera, which are both fast and loaded with features. Unfortunately, there are not many users browsing the Web with Opera, even though it is often considered the best browser on the market. As a matter of fact, most Internet users might not have even heard about Opera. No wonder that some time ago Opera has presented the European Commission with an antitrust complaint over Microsoft�s dominance. It was requested that Microsoft be forced to unbundle its browser from Windows and this way allow other browsers to compete with IE.

Categories: Tech, Web Tags:

Google Advanced Search

September 7th, 2010 Comments off

If you are tired of remembering all of the commands like +, ��, -, etc. that you have to apply in Google searches, you can avoid using them by taking advantage of advanced search. The advanced search is especially helpful for those who are looking for something specific, and know what they are looking for. Some of the nicest features of advanced Google Search include:

-The possibility to choose the language in which you want to obtain the results. This will limit completely unrelated webpages. It can also help you find websites of any specific language.
-The possibility to specify the type of file in which you want Google to look for information for you. Are you looking for pdf, doc, ps, xls, or swf files? All you have to do is specify that files you are looking for.
-You can also specify that you do not want to see pages that contain any of the unwanted words which you can list. This should limit the number of unrelated websites as well.
-And finally, and probably most importantly, the possibility to tell Google Search what you are specifically looking for by filling out various fields. Those include �all these words�, �this exact wording or phrase�, and �one or more of these words�. Of course, there are many other useful options out there. I have just listed those that appealed to me the most.

Overall, search engines are probably the most useful feature of Internet, as they allow you to easily find all of the websites in the world. That is why it pays to learn how to use them effectively. While you may not want to use Advanced Search each time you are looking for something, it can greatly help you in case you are searching for something hard to find otherwise.

Categories: Tech, Web Tags:

AdSense Problems

August 30th, 2010 Comments off

AdSense can make you a lot of money. However, there are several problems you might encounter when it comes to AdSense. Let us take a closer look at them, and try to find a solution if that will be possible:

-Your readers might simply recognize AdSense blocks and do not click on them. This usually happens when they are not integrated very well within the website. Try making the AdSense blocks fit more naturally into your website. Try changing the color for example. AdSense blocks have to be an integral part of your website.
-In some cases ads pertaining to your niche might not pay very well. I do not think there is anything you can do about that, as changing your niche would be a dramatic step. That is why not all websites can really benefit from AdSense.
-Having a lot of traffic from sources which tend to lower your CTR. This would include social media sites. A lot of visitors from social media sites simply tend not to click on ads. Try acquiring some traffic by exchanging links with other blogs. You can also try linkbaiting as this method usually works better.
-If you notice that some on your ads have very high CTR, try to investigate it. There is a chance that your competition is artificially inflating your CTR, because they want Google to ban you.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:

Make Money Online

August 24th, 2010 Comments off

Websites like Treasuretrooper can be source of income for those who enjoy participating in all kinds of surveys and cash offers. You will probably not earn that much cash, but while doing so you will also have some fun. What can you do if you are already member of Treasuretrooper? First of all, you can only benefit from this website if you are a US or UK resident. If you are, then you will be able to take advantage out of most of the opportunities. You will be able to fill out a home business survey, submit a valid poem, and download a free toolbar. These are only some of the activities for which you can get paid. After you complete an offer, all you have to do is to click �done� button and that specific offer will be added to your pending offers list to be approved.

What distinguishes this particular website from sites providing similar services is that while completing surveys and other offers you can gain golden coins. They in turn, can be exchanged for gifts in Mabutu�s Hut. One of such gifts is that two new members of Treasuretrooper will become your referrals even though you did not refer them or know them.

The creators of the website encourage all participants to look into all the benefits of the program. They claim that it can be a source of hundreds of dollars if you take advantage out of many opportunities; however, for an average user it will be difficult to earn more than $100. A payout of each offer ranges from 0.25 to 30 dollars. Once a person accumulates $20 on his account that is due to be paid, the payout will be between 15th and 20th of each month by check. There are some users that claim that you can earn a lot of money by participating in the referral program. If you refer a new user, you will get 20% of the sum that this person earned, and if the person that you referred refers another person, you will get 5% of that participant�s earning. Overall, it might be a nice way to earn some extra money, but you will probably not earn as much as you may wish for.

Categories: Biz, Web Tags:

Legal Systems Online

August 23rd, 2010 Comments off

All the legal information that you might need to defend yourself is available on the Internet. It is very convenient as you do not have to go anywhere to check what the legal system is writing about your current situation or the situation that you would wish to check out. Knowing that there is a way to check any information about the legal system on the Internet and how the legal system works makes people safer. If you feel that your rights have been violated, do not hesitate to check it out on sites such as or It looks that even Yahoo tries to be helpful here as well, and I am happy about that. Take advantage out of the fact that websites such as Yahoo can be very helpful to you. I would say that the legal system in the Western world is good, but the only problem is that it is so complicated and an average person does not often understand it. It is hard to use a legal system that is hard to understand. That is why I appreciate the fact that I can research some legal aspects on the Internet. Of course, nothing will replace a qualified lawyer, but allowing people to learn about the legal system on the Internet is a step in the right direction.

Categories: Education, Web Tags:

Blog Directories

August 20th, 2010 Comments off

Submitting your website to different blog directories is an excellent way to increase your website�s Page Rank and to attract new readers. If you want to be a successful blogger, it is very important to have your website listed in many places. Each submission will give you a backlink, and each backlink will increase the popularity of your blog.

It might even take a couple of days/weeks to submit your blog to many directories, as there is really a lot of them. It is unfortunate that a lot of directories that are still being discussed on the blogosphere no longer exist, are not accepting registrations, or you have to pay to be included there. I would like to share the result of my work with you by providing a list of directories. They should be up to date, and are free unless something has changed recently. A lot of bloggers are submitting their sites to them, and they are generally considered to be a great place to be listed. Some of them will require your blog to have at least a few posts, in order to eliminate blogs which may not last a long time. Here is the list of the directories:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Please note that the order of the list is completely random. While some directories may cease to exist at some point, or do not allow registrations, I hope that most of them will be accepting registrations for a long time. Feel free to leave a comment recommending any other blog directories you think are worth being listed here.

Categories: Blog, Web Tags: